Softek Error Codes
Their Associated Message and Meaning.

A critical error has the following fields:

  1. <application name>
  2. [<DateTime>]
  3. <a critical message>
  4. #<a critical message number>. Error numbers for r2k are in the 10,000 to 19,999 range, ebs errors are in the range 20,000 to 29,999, and merge error numbers range between 30,000 and 49,999.

The error numbers are formed from two parts, the component above 10,000 and the component below 10,000. The latter is sufficient to determine the error’s meaning while the former may be used to determine the error’s source. The following is a description of all the critical errors listed and sorted by the part of the error code that is below 10,000. The notation <SomeText> indicates that “SomeText” stands for some runtime value or text that may vary during application runtime. Its exact content cannot be determined in advance and the “<>“ characters are not actually part of the error message.

1 Quitting time reached
The interface has reached its scheduled quitting time.

2 <DealFile> can't create ... FATAL error
The application failed to create a required file (<DealFile>). Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

3 Daemon Mode. Operator interaction disabled
The application will continue running in daemon mode, it will not send messages to the standard output or error channels and will ignore keyboard input.

4 Command_Critical <a message from a script file>
A script file has issued a message that has been identified as critical. Script files should be examined for critical messages to determine appropriate treatment. The identity of the script file and the line number in the script that generated the message (used the script statement “critical”) is included in the message.

5 ****Reuters not responding, resetting
The Reuters server has failed to respond multiple times to a message request. The serial connection between interface and server should be examined as well as the status of the Ticket Output Feed (TOF, which might have been turned off) and the status of the Reuters Server itself.

5 ****Client interface not responding, throwing away a message
Same problem as above, but here we're a Mimic Process and its the Bank TOF or ASI client that is not responding. Check if the serial cable is in place and correctly wired according to the Reuters (Cognotec uses the Reuters spec.) or EBS spec. Check if the Bank's deal-reader client is up.

6 deal #<DealType> is unknown to this system
The application has received a deal whose type is unknown (not defined by Reuters or EBS). The deal will not be loaded into the target system.

7 <SeqFile> can't create, beware of duplicate deals in next run
The file that keeps track of the last successful deal fully processed by the interface <SeqFile> could not be updated. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

8 can't create <LockFileName>, BEWARE deal <Number> may be missing
Certain interface installations use a file as a means of transferring deals to the BOS. Some of those installations use a “sentinel file” to synchronize file operations. The sentinel file <LockFileName> could not be created. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

9 ****Reuters says deal #<Number> not found
The interface requested a deal from Reuters which replied that the deal was no longer on the server.

10 unknown message <MessageType>
The interface was sent a message of type <MessageType> that cannot be identified.

11 shared memory shutdown
Certain interface installations use “shared memory” to communicate deals to the BOS. This message indicates that the shared memory blocks have been deallocated and the shared memory system successfully shut down.

12 SHUTDOWN - last file is <DealFileName>, <CNumber>/<DNumber>conversations/deals processed, last ticket #<TNumber>
The Reuters interface has been shut down successfully. The last file containing deal information was <DealFileName>, the number of conversations processed was <CNumber>, the number of deals processed was <DNumber> and the last ticket number successfully processed and acknowledged by the BOS was <TNumber>. If the number of conversations processed does not equal the number of deals processed then some exception conditions were detected (and reported) causing messages to be re-requested.

12 SHUTDOWN - last file is <DealFileName>, <DNumber> deals processed, last ticket #<TNumber>
The EBS interface has been shut down successfully. The last file containing deal information was <DealFileName>, the number of deals processed was <DNumber>, and the last ticket number successfully processed and acknowledged by the BOS was <TNumber>.

13 Can't append to <filename>
An operating system error was detected while trying to write deal details to an exception file. Is the file system full?

14 too many queued messages to EBS...exiting
It is not clear if the condition that would cause this message to appear can occur. If it does, a serious communications problem exists between the EBS server and its interface program.

15 EBS ticket sequence #<Number>, request not found. Beware of duplicate
The EBS interface cannot find and cancel the message that requested deal #<Number>.

16 EBS ticket sequence number jump, BEWARE deals #<Number> to #<Number2> lost
EBS is reporting that it now holds deals starting from <Number2>+1. The EBS interface needs deal <Number> to maintain numeric continuity. Deals between <Number> and <Number2> are no longer available to be loaded into the BOS. They must be loaded manually.

17 too many queued messages to Reuters...exiting
It is not clear if the condition that would cause this message to appear can occur. If it does, a serious communications problem exists between the Reuters server and its interface program.

18 Ticket numbers reset to after ticket <Number>. Please check this is correct
After a server reports that some needed deals are no longer available, the connected interface resets its deal requests to start at deal <Number>+1 (the first deal reported to be available by the server).

19 CreateFile on <FileName> failed
The file < FileName > could not be created. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

20 OpenComm, <Number><-<Terminal>
20 DosDevIOCtl(ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE), <Number><-<Terminal>
20 DosDevIOCtl(ASYNC_SETLINECTRL), <Number><-<Terminal>
20 DosDevIOCtl(ASYNC_GETDCBINFO), <Number><-<Terminal>
20 DosDevIOCtl(ASYNC_SETDCBINFO), <Number><-<Terminal>
20 DosDevIOCtl(ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL), <Number><-<Terminal>
21 GetCommState failed with <Number>
22 BuildCommDCB (<Terminal>),<Number>
23 SetCommState failed with code <Number>
24 GetCommTimeouts failed with code <Number>
25 SetCommTimeouts failed with code <Number>
26 SetCommState <Number>
These are all messages that would occur if a needed serial port failed to be initialized.

27 error(Number <0x<Number>>) initializing PRIMARY serial port
Primary serial port failed to initialize. the primary port is the one connected to the server.

28 error(Number <0x<Number>>) initializing AUXILIARY serial port
Auxiliary serial port failed to initialize. the auxiliary port is the one used by the script command “sersend”, which is only available to interfaces that use a serial port to load the BOS.

29 File transfer from AS400 failed, using old acronym file (<FileName>)
The file < FileName> is not available to be loaded into the interface. < FileName > contains TCID acronym mappings for KAPITY BOSs. Only KAPITY installations will see this message.

30 Can't open <FileName> or <FileName2> for reading
The local file <FileName>, that contains the TCID acronym mappings or the local file <FileName2> that contains trader id mappings could not be opened. No mappings will be available (KAPITY BOSs only).

31 Can't allocate memory for reading <FileName> or <FileName2>
Not enough memory is available to store the TCID acronym mappings or the trader id mappings. No mappings will be available (KAPITY BOSs only).

32 Can't re-open <FileName> or <FileName2> for reading
After parsing the files <FileName> or <FileName2>, containing KAPITY mappings, one or more of the files could not be read. (KAPITY BOSs only).

33 File <FileName>, line <Number> ignored, it has <Number2> item(s)!!
File <FileName> has the wrong number of items on it. Line number <Number> was ignored. (KAPITY BOSs only).

34 File <FileName>, line <Number> ignored, it has <Number> item(s) (2 req)!!
File <FileName> has the wrong number of items on it. Line number <Number> was ignored. (KAPITY BOSs only).

35 STARTUP - server <TCID>
The interface for server <TCID> has been started.

36 Reserved.

37 ****Can't understand contents of <SeqFile>
The file <SeqFile>, containing a single decimal number representing the last deal successfully processed by the interface and acknowledged by the BOS, contains something other than the ascii representation of a number.

38 ****Can't open< SeqFile >
The file <SeqFile>, containing a single decimal number representing the last deal successfully processed by the interface and acknowledged by the BOS, cannot be opened.

39 can't open tuning config file <name>
The file specified in the environment variable DL_TUNING could not be opened for reading

40 ****Login to Back Office System failed
The script responsible for logging into the IBS BOS exited with a failure code.

41 <DealFileName> can't open for append
The interface cannot write deal information to the file < DealFileName >. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

42 <ScriptFileName>: Error label not found <Label>
The script <ScriptFileName> contains an error. The label <Label>, used in a goto statement, is not present.

43 ****deal sequence # jump1, deals <Number> to <Number2> lost
Reuters is reporting that it now holds deals starting from #<Number2>+1. The Reuters interface needs deal #<Number> to maintain numeric continuity. Deals between #<Number> and #<Number2> are no longer available to be loaded into the BOS. They must be loaded manually.

44 ****deal sequence # jump2, deals <Number> to <Number2> lost
Reuters is reporting that it now holds deals starting from #<Number2>+1. The Reuters interface needs deal #<Number> to maintain numeric continuity. Deals between #<Number> and #<Number2> are no longer available to be loaded into the BOS. They must be loaded manually.

45 ****Reuters ticket numbers reset, BEWARE, possible duplicate deals <Number> through <Number2>
Reuters is reporting that it now holds deals #<Number> through #<Number2>. The Reuters interface needs deals above <Number2> to maintain numeric continuity. Deals between #<Number> and #<Number2> may be repeats of deals already processed. The interface resets its internal deal numbers to start fetching deals from deal #<Number> and warns that these deals have already been processed.

46 ****Reuters ticket number too large, BEWARE, you may lose some deals above <Number>. Set <EnvironmentVariable> properly.
The environment variable < EnvironmentVariable > contains the deal number after which a deal server can be expected to reset its deal numbers to one. A deal has been received with a deal number higher than the number contained in <EnvironmentVariable>. There is a small chance that when the deal numbers are actually reset to one, deals numbered above <Number> will not be requested by the interface. The environment variable <EnvironmentVariable> should be set properly and the interface restarted.

47 Bad start/end <Number>/<Number2>
An invalid deal range has been received by the interface from the server. This message may be seen when the Reuters “store card” has been reset and no deals are yet available, at which time the Reuters server reports an invalid range.

48 Can't open <PasswordSeedFile>
The interface is unable to find the file that supplies a password seed (<PasswordSeedFile>, for automatic password changes (KAPITY BOSs only)).

49 Can't read sequence number from < PasswordSeedFile >
The interface is unable to read the file (<PasswordSeedFile>) that supplies a password seed for automatic password changes (KAPITY BOSs only).

50 Can't write < PasswordSeedFile >
The interface is unable to overwrite the file (<PasswordSeedFile>) that stores a password seed for automatic password changes (KAPITY BOSs only).

51 Can't write sequence number to< PasswordSeedFile >
The interface is unable to write into the file (<PasswordSeedFile>) that stores a password seed for automatic password changes (KAPITY BOSs only).

52 Tkt <TicketNumber>, trying to pass <Number> args to writeSPT (should be <Number2>)
A Morgan Stanley script transform (s_writeSPT) failed to process ticket #<TicketNumber>, the wrong number of arguments were passed into the function by the script. Make sure that each empty argument has at least one space in it or modify the C code in the file transforms.c to parse adjacent field separators.

53 ****Can't identify last requested ticket. BEWARE, Deals may be lost. Set <EnvironmentVariable> properly.
As with error #46, but in this case, not only have tickets wrapped but the function responsible for telling you about this cannot identify the ticket number of the last requested deal. You should probably quit and restart this interface.

54 ****Reuters ticket have wrapped, BEWARE, you may lose some deals above <Number>. Set <EnvironmentVariable> properly.
See error #46. In this case, the deal numbers have wrapped earlier than expected.

55 Interface terminated from script <ScriptName>, line <Number>
The interface executed a “DieNow” script command in script file <ScriptName> at line #<Number>. The interface has shutdown.

56 Starting from deal <Number>
A normal startup message informing a supervisor that deal #<Number> will be the next deal requested by this interface.

57 dblogin() failed
57 File error(<ScriptFileName>)
Could not allocate a DBLIB "login" handle or
Could not find the script file <ScriptFileName> in the current working directory.

58 dbinit() failed
Sybase DBLIB functions cannot be initialised.

59 dbopen() failed
DBLIB cannot access the specified database.

60 can't open db config file <configname>
<configname> file format error, need <n1> or <n2> (white-space separated) items
The interface cannot access (first message form) or decode (second message form) its database configuration file <configname>.

61 DB-Library error: <error message>
The Sybase server reported an error (if an operating system error was detected this will be reported too).

62 Msg <msgnum>, Level <level>, State <state> [Procedure '<proc>‘,][ Line <linenum>]
The Sybase server reported an error with message number <msgnum> of severity <level> in state <state>. Optionally a procedure name <proc> and a line number <linenum> may be given. These messages are passed on directly from the Sybase server error-reporting mechanism.

63 Database -U<username> -S<server> (charset <charset>): is not accessible
The Sybase server reported that the database with the reported <username> and <server> parameters was not available. If the database configuration file (db.conf) has not been corrupted and the password it contains is still valid, then the problem is on the server.

65 Database insert of deal <TCID>#<ticketnumber> failed, will retry
The Sybase server reported that the referenced deal failed to load. There is probably another message given a more detailed reason. A retry will be attempted.

66 Database insert of deal <TCID>#<ticketnumber> failed, will retry
The Sybase server reported that the referenced deal failed to load. There is probably another message given a more detailed reason. A retry will be attempted.

71 Deal <TCID>#<ticketnumber> is already in the database; deal reinsertion skipped
Sybase reports that the deal we are trying to insert is alread in the database. No retry will be attempted.

77 Can't allocate memory for buffers.
Not enough process memory was available to initialize necessary data storage for this process. The process terminates.

86 Deal range is zero-to-zero on server <XXXX>
The Deal Store on the server is empty (no deals are present). This may mean that the deal server has been newly installed, upgraded, is seriously malfunctioning, or (worst case) all three.

89 mktime failed (secs=<s> min=<m> hour=<h> day=<d> mon=<mm> yr=y)
The reported time value was not within the legal range for a "mktime()" call.

90 <filename> file format error, need 4 white-space separated numbers, KeepAliveTime WaitForACK WaitForMsg WaitForChar
Failed to parse the Timing Tuning Parameters given in the file pointed to by the DL_TUNING environment variable.

93 Caught and deflected a SIGINT
SIGINT is being caught and ignored. If runnin interactively, a "Q" should be used to manually quit the interface. If the interface is running as a daemon an attempt should be made to determine what sent the SIGNIT.

94 ****Reuters says "Rejected, Try Again"
Reuters 3000 systems have started producing this message in response to a simple "Status With Updates" request from softek. What the Reuters Server is really saying is "Help me, my Reuters tech. did not set up the TOF properly and I bet he can't get his own test-client (that he carries around on his PC) to work either".

95 ****Reuters says "Hard Reset Compete"
The Reuters Dealing Server has been rebooted and says it has come back up successfully. This does not necessarily mean that all is well but we live in hope.

100 can't locate field 721 in sequence <Number>
An EBS message with sequence #<Number> has been received but is badly formed. The sequence number should be given to EBS technical support for further investigation. This message has never been seen in production or testing.

101 Deal sequence <Number> is not available from the deal server
We are requesting deal #<Number> but the deal server informs us that this deal is not available. The deal data may have to be loaded manually.

102 <DealFileName> can't create ... FATAL error
The application failed to create a required file (<DealFileName >). Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

103 EBS seems to have forgotten about us...applying a swift kick
Ok, so I felt it necessary to inject some humor somewhere in the interface. After many go-arounds with EBS (the writers of ASI) it was discovered that there were circumstances where the ASI “heartbeat” (or keep-alive) messages were stopping. It was determined that relogging in to the EBS server re-established communications. A function (called “Call_EMS”) was written that would apply heart-massage to the ailing EBS comms system. This condition is detected within 2 minutes of its occurrence. If you see two of these messages sequentially and within say a 10 minute period then you probably have a serious comms failure between the interface and the EBS server. Otherwise the patient has made a full recovery (despite a recurring arrhythmia)

104 ****EBS not responding, Reloging-in
EBS stopped responding completely. The interface will continually attempt to login to EBS until comms are restored. This message usually indicates that something is wrong with low-level communications between EBS and the softek interface machine. In most cases, either the EBS ASI has been turned off or the serial line link between the EBS server and the softek interface machine has broken.

105 ****EBS not responding, throwing away a message
This remedy has been disabled, you should never see this message.

106 This should never happen (1)
107 This should never happen (2)
108 This should never happen (3)
109 This should never happen (4)
The above errors indicate failures of internal checks within Softek’s interface code. softek should be notified immediately and care should be taken that all deals are reaching the target system. Quitting and restarting the interface is probably a good idea. These messages have never been seen in production.

110 Can't find instigator msg for DealRequest #<Number>
The interface keeps track of the last deal request sent to the server. A deal has been received for which no stored request can be found. It is possible to generate this message across a startup boundary for the interface, i.e. if the interface is stopped having requested a deal from the server and is immediately restarted, catching one of the server’s retry responses to the original request. This condition might also occur in conjunction with errors #103 or #105, where EBS forgot about us but still had a pending message that gets sent on re-establishment of communications. An occasional message of this type should not indicate a serious problem. Deal continuity at the target system should be checked.

111 unknown message <Number>
An unknown message of type <Number> has been received by the interface. The message has been ignored.

112 STARTUP - server <CBID>
The EBS interface talking to server <CBID> has started up.

113 Starting from deal <DealNumber>
EBS will start from deal #<DealNumber>

114 ****Can't understand contents of <SeqFile>, starting from deal <Number>
The file <SeqFile>, containing a single decimal number representing the last deal successfully processed by the interface and acknowledged by the BOS, contains something other than the ascii representation of a number.

115 ****Can't open <SeqFile>, priming EBS with deal #1
The file <SeqFile>, containing a single decimal number representing the last deal successfully processed by the interface and acknowledged by the BOS, cannot be opened. The interface will start by requesting deal #1.

116 ****Login to KAPITI failed
The script responsible for logging into the KAPITY BOS exited with a failure code.

117 ****Login to IBS failed
The script responsible for logging into the IBS BOS exited with a failure code.

118 <DealFileName> can't open for append
The interface cannot write deal information to the file < DealFileName >. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

119 can't locate field 701 (sequence number!!)
A strange message has been received from EBS by the interface. The message does not seem to contain a sequence number yet passed the checksum tests i.e. it was actually sent by EBS. This message has never been seen in test or production.

120 Unexpected deal, ignored (expected <Number>, got <Number2>)
The interface asked for deal #<Number> but received deal #<Number2>. The deal has been ignored.
121 <SeqFile> can't create, beware of duplicate deals in next run
The file that keeps track of the last successful deal fully processed by the interface <SeqFile> could not be updated. Perhaps the disk is full, has run out of file slots, or is not mounted.

122 Database DEADLOCK(<count>) recovery, deal <TCID>#<ticketnumber> failed, will retry
Sybase reported a database deadlock. The referenced deal was not loaded. A retry will be attempted.

123 Database DEADLOCK(<count>) recovery, deal <TCID>#<ticketnumber> discarded
Sybase reported another database deadlock. The referenced deal was not loaded and we have exceeded the retry count. No retry will be attempted, the deal is discarded and should be loaded manually.

125 EBS lower ticket range is stuck (<count> deals). Contact EBS immediately!!
A rare and, so far, untraceable bug in the ASI has caused the lower-bound deal number (that indicates the first deal available in the EBS server) to stop incrementing as new deals come in. softek detects this condition when the number of deals, reported by the ASI to be in the EBS dealstore, becomes impossibly high. There is a possibility of recent deals becoming inaccessible if the most recent deal number wraps back round to pass the oldest deal number. For deal-loss to occur, the number of deals reported as <count> above must pass 65535. EBS can remotely reset this condition.

200 Could not locate source of <<TCID>:<Number>> for confirmation
The merge application does not have a record of server <TCID> in its list of connected servers and cannot confirm back to this server’s interface program that deal #<Number> has been sent to the target system.

201 Could not locate source of <<TCID>:<Number>> for confirmation
The merge application does not have a record of server <TCID> in its list of connected servers and cannot confirm back to this server’s interface program that deal #<Number> has been sent to the target system.

202 WARNING, Can't send <<TCID>:<Number>> to <TCID>:<Port>
The interface responsible for server <TCID> is not accepting deal confirmation details on port #<Port>. Has the interface been stopped?

203 WARNING, Can't send unexpected confirmation <<TCID>:<Number>> to <TCID>:<Port>
A confirmation came through from the target system for a deal sent from server <TCID>. The merge application has no record of sending this deal to the target system and the interface responsible for server <TCID> is not receiving the attempted confirmation of this unexpected deal.

204 WARNING, Unexpected confirm <<TCID>:<Number>> received and sent to <TCID>:<Port>
A confirmation came through from the target system for a deal sent from server <TCID>. The merge application has no record of sending this deal to the target system but has managed to confirm to the interface that is responsible for server <TCID> that the deal #<Number> was processed by the target system.

205 ERROR, no output socket _OUTPUT_ specified in <IniFile>
The merge program must have a line in its init file <IniFile> that specifies which port its deal output is to be sent to.

206 WARNING, no control socket _CONTROL_ specified in <IniFile>
The merge program must have a line in its init file <IniFile> that specifies which port its control input is to be taken from.

207 Daemon Mode, operator interaction disabled
Advisory message indicating that the merge application is running in a mode that delivers no console output and accepts no console input.

208 Can't open <IniFile> for reading
The merge program needs a text file (<IniFile>) that defines its inputs and output. The file <IniFile> is not available for reading in the merge programs execution directory.

209 Bad input line <Number><<Contents>> in file <IniFile>
The line number <Number>, with contents <Contents> in the merge init file <IniFile> could not be parsed.

210 WARNING, survived data sanity-check failure on port <Port>
A merge program consistency check failed but the inconsistency was dynamically repaired. Please inform softek if you see this message. The problem that caused the inconsistency has been fixed and this message has not been seen since the fix was applied. The message (and the remedial action) was left in as a precaution.

211 WARNING, no output connected, deal capture suspended
The target system (FOS or BOS) that takes deals from the merge program is not available to accept deals. The merge program continues its attempts to establish a connection to the target system.

212 WARNING, survived data sanity-check failure on port <Port>
A merge program consistency check failed but the inconsistency was dynamically repaired. Please inform softek if you see this message. The problem that caused the inconsistency has been fixed and this message has not been seen since the fix was applied. The message (and the remedial action) was left in as a precaution.

213 ipmerge STARTUP
An advisory message indicating that a merge program has been started.

214 <Machine><Port>, Input stream full
The interface sending data from machine <Machine> and port #<Port> has been sending TCP-IP messages and the merge program’s buffer allocated to this input has been filled. One possible cause is that the target system is not accepting messages and the input buffers cannot be processed. Check that target system comms is functioning. As soon as comms are re-established, messages will begin to flow. Some messages may have been silently truncated (by operating system buffer overflow). The target system parser should be sophisticated enough to recognize, and ignore, malformed messages.

215 Failed to accept connect on <Machine>(<Errno>)
A system error <Errno> resulted when trying to establish a connection with machine <Machine>

216 Accepted network <Machine> connection from host <Address>
The merge program is now talking to machine <Machine> at address <Address>.

217 Cannot connect to Queue <name=<Name>:host=<Host>:service=<Service>>
The Goldman queue with the parameters given in the error message is unavailable.

218 Can't Q ticket <Number> from server <Server>, EM_EventPut returned <Bytes>, expected <Bytes1>, will retry
The Goldman queue function reported that it could not queue the requested number of bytes.

219 ipmerge SHUTDOWN
An advisory message indicating that the merge program is no longer running.

220 WARNING, Can't send <TCID>:<DealNumber> to output
The merge program is indicating a failure to send the deal number <DealNumber> which originated from server <TCID> to the target system.

221 WARNING, sent non-ticket data from <Machine>:<Port> to output
A garbled record is being sent from machine <Machine>, port <Port> to the target system.

222 WARNING, Can't send non-ticket data from <Machine>:<Port> to output
Failed to send a garbled record from machine <Machine>, port <Port> to the target system (probably just as well, really).

223 confirming dup <TCID>:<DealNumber> to <Machine>:<Port>
Receipt of a duplicate deal #<DealNumber> from server <TCID> is being confirmed back to the responsible interface.

224 failed to confirm dup <TCID>:<DealNumber> to <Machine>:<Port>
Failed to confirm receipt of a duplicate deal #<DealNumber> from server <TCID> to the responsible interface.

225 Can't allocate <Bytes> bytes for socket <Index>
A very bad sign. The merge program failed to allocate enough memory to hold the buffers for the number of connections specified in the init file.

226 failed to send <TCID>:<DealNumber> to output
Could not send deal #<DealNumber> from server <TCID> to the target system. A retry should occur but receipt of the deal into the target system should be manually confirmed.

227 failed to confirm <TCID>:<DealNumber> <Machine>:<Port>
Failed to confirm receipt of deal #<DealNumber> from server <TCID> to the responsible interface. The deal will likely be retried by the interface when comms are re-established.

228 sent non-ticket message to <Machine>:<Port>
A garbled record is being sent to port <Port> on machine <Machine.

229 failed to send non-ticket message to <Machine>:<Port>
Failed to send a garbled record to port <Port> on machine <Machine.

231 Could not open <messagefile> for reading, critical email notification deferred
Failed to open the Critical Message File for reading. You probably did not get to see this message in your email :-(.

501 Expected end of deal <DealNumber1>, got start of deal <DealNumber2>
The end of a deal is missing from the Mimic dealstore. Beware of incomplete information in deal <DealNumber1>.

502 Unexpected deal end, deal <DealNumber> may be corrupted or missing.
A premature end of deal <DealNumber> was detected in the Mimic dealstore. Beware of incomplete information in deal <DealNumber>.

510 Can't allocate memory for deal indexes
Not enough process memory was available to initialize necessary data storage for this process. The process terminates.

511 Remote command, QuitMe
We have received a remote QUIT command.

512 Remote QUIT command ignored
The REMOTEQUIT environment variable is present and has a value that is not "on", "ON", "yes" or "YES". A remote QUIT command was subsequently detected and ignored (apart from this little CRITICAL message).

600 Unknown message <nnn>
An ASI packet of message-type <nnn> was received by the EBS mimic from the client software. This message type is unknown to the EBS mimic and is ignored.

1000 Usage: <progname> ip_name port_number TCID [script_ext [deal_delay_secs]]
The program was not invoked properly.

1002 Can't allocate <nnnn> bytes for <item>
A memory allocation error has occurred while allocating cache buffer space.

1003 <dlsfilename>, can't open for append
Can't create or append the ".dls" file. Check disk space and permissions.

1200 Can't open deal config file <dcffilename> for reading
This CRITICAL file cannot be opened.

1201 Can't open a client socket for SI comms (this is very bad)
A TCP-IP resource allocation error has occurred. Ok, so the message is a little overly dramatic.

1202 Can't allocate <nnnn> bytes for socket <socketid>
A memory allocation error has occurred while allocating TCP-IP buffer space.

1202 Can't re-open deal config file <dcffilename> for reading
A subsequent pass, trying to open this, previously accessible, file has failed. Probably an OS error. (Sorry for the reuse of the error code).

1203 Connected to <hostid>
A TCP-IP connection has been established between the interface and the host identified in the message. This is not an error.

1204 Can't open <seqnumfile> for writing
1204 Can't write into <seqnumfile>
Cannot create or write into <seqnumfile>. Please check directory/file permissions and make sure sufficient free disk space remains.

1205 Deal sequence number in file <seqnumfile> is corrupted
The deal identifier contained in <seqnumfile> is corrupted. This is a fatal error.

1206 Can't open deal sequence number file <seqnumfile> for reading...1 assumed
Looks like we're starting over from deal #1. Please make sure this is ok.

1206 Deal #<nnnn>, critical field <fieldname> not present
A critical field was not found in a deal. Sorry for the reuse of this error code.

1207 Deal #<nnnn>, currency volume (<value>) too big for Reuters
TOF spec only allows for 15 characters (including sign and decimal point) for a currency volume. The value has been truncated to fit and bad things are about to happen at deal confirmation time.

1208 Deal <dealid>, unable to load the two rates
The "ctksubrates" script transform requires a rate to be loaded into each of the workarea and savearea. We were unable to parse the contents of these registers as rates.

1209 Deal %s, unable to parse both rates as float
The "ctksubrates" script transform requires a rate to be loaded into each of the workarea and savearea. We were unable to parse the contents of these registers as floating point numbers.

1210 Deal #<nnnn>, can't identify pure deal type
Unable to determine the Reuters Pure Deal Type for this deal.

1211 Unexpected STX on line <nnn> of record definition file <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1212 Unexpected ETX on line <nnn> of record definition file <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1213 Non overlapping <width> on line <nnn> in record definition file <dcffilename>, tag=<tagstring>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1214 Can't re-find <token> on line <nnn> of data configuration file <dcffilename>
Probably an operating system or filestore problem. An inconsistent read was made on the data configuration file.

1215 Unexpected ACTIVE on line <nnn> of record definition file <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1216 Can't identify SI field type <dealtype> on line number <nnn> in <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1217 Can't find trade type <type>
1217 Can't identify trade type <type>
The specified cachefile in the "cache" directory cannot be parsed. A deal has likely been compromised.

1218 Too many fields (<nnn>) on line mmm of record definition file <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1219 Deal cache file <cachefilename> already exists...overwriting
The cache file for a given deal already exists. It should be safe enough to overwrite it.

1220 Can't create or write deal cache file <cachefilename>...exiting
A permissions error has occurred in the "cache" directory.

1221 Can't append to deal cache file <cachefilename>...exiting
A permissions error has occurred in the "cache" directory.

1223 File <cachefilename> exists but cannot be opened for reading
1223 File <cachefilename> cannot be opened for reading...fatal error...cachfile remains for examination
A permissions error has occurred in the "cache" directory.

1223 File <cachefilename> no longer exists, will treat as unexpired in case it shows up again!!
This error number has been reused in error (ironic really). In this incarnation, a cachefile may have been erroneously removed. If we're lucky it'll turn up again. The cachefilename should give sufficient clues to identify the corresponding deal which should by checked as received and processed (hint, look in the ".dls" file).

1224 File <cachefilename>..failed to decode header
1224 File <cachefilename>..failed to decode header...fatal error...cachfile remains for examination
The specified cachefile in the "cache" directory cannot be parsed. A deal has likely been compromised

1225 Extra payment instruction record ACKd and ignored for <dealid>
Too many sets of payment instructions have arrived for this deal type. The most recent arrivals have been ignored.

1226 File <cachefilename> cannot be opened for writing
A permissions error has occurred in the "cache" directory.

1227 <cachefilename> premature EOF
The specified cachefile in the "cache" directory cannot be parsed. A deal has likely been compromised.

1228 <cachedirname>...No such directory
A cache directory does not exist where it was expected (required).

1229 Transfer script failed for <dealtype> deal #<dealid>
A script error has occurred while processing allocations. Please check the deal made it all the way to the target system.

1230 Can't create last deal info file <uniquerfilename> (FATAL error)
To prevent duplicate deal loads, a record is made of the most recently loaded deal. This (fatal) error results when we fail to create the file containing this information.

1231 Can't write data to last deal info file <uniquerfilename> (FATAL error)
To prevent duplicate deal loads, a record is made of the most recently loaded deal. This (fatal) error results when we fail to write the file containing this information.

1232 Can't read last deal info in file <uniquerfilename> (ignored)
Unable to retrieve last-deal-loaded information. Beware of duplicate deals.

1233 Payment instructions for <dealtype> deal <dealid> did not arrive in time for TOF
The cachetimeout expired before some payment instructions arrived. The incomplete deal has already been queued for TOF delivery and these additional payment instructions have been ignored. Please amend the indicated deal manually

1234 Too many duplicates (<numberofdups>) for deal <dealid> (<dealtype>) Issuing a hard (XX) NACK
This deal has been repeated too many times. There is probably something intrinsically wrong with it. Please obtain its details from the appropriate ".dls" file and load it manually.

1235 Too few fields (<nnn>) on line <mmm> of record definition file <dcffilename>
The data configuration file contains a formatting error (dcf.ini).

1236 End of record located at byte <nnnn>, instead of <mmmm> for the deal identified as <dealid>
1236 ETX located at byte <nnnn>, instead of <mmmm> for the deal identified as <dealid>
The specified cachefile in the "cache" directory cannot be parsed. A deal has likely been compromised.
Is the Field Definition File (dcf.ini) matched with the deal feed record structure?
Has the deal feed interface machine run out of disk space, resulting in cache-file truncation?

1237 SI heartbeat lost.
1237 MQ heartbeat lost.
1237 SI heartbeat lost...Applying CPR (resetting connection)
Contact with the deal server has been lost for a significant amount of time. Attempts to reconnect are continuing.

1238 Can't parse field global value on line number <nnn> in <dcffilename>
The global section of the data description file is badly formed.

1239 Indicated body length <nnnn>, actual <mmmm>
1239 Bad deal Date or Time in deal <dealid>
A cachefile in the "cache" directory cannot be parsed. A deal has likely been compromised.

1240 Existing priority deal pointer in cache directory...possible priority algorithm failure (fatal)
Certain deal types are pre-allocated a sequence number and are treated as a priority. Only one priority deal is processed at a time so there should not be a remnant of a previous deal in the cache directory. Unfortunately one such has just been found. Please contact softek for advice (this has not happened before (ever)).

1241 Can't open priority file <priofilename> for writing (fatal)
Probably an OS related problem. Please check permissions on the cache directory and confirm there is enough free disk space.

1242 Could not decode filename and legal sequence from <priofilename>...fatal
When processing allocations, the allocation cachefile and reserved sequence number could not be parsed from the file named in the message. This is a fatal error. The allocation was not properly processed.

1243 Proposed sequence number <nnnn> does not match reserved <mmmm>...fatal
When processing allocations, a consistency check failed. This is a fatal error. The allocation has not been processed.

1244 Can't append to <dealfile>...fatal
When processing allocations, the interface was unable to append a record of the allocated deals to the ".dls" file. Check there is sufficient disk space available.

1245 Can't open temp deal file <tempdealfilename> for reading...fatal
When processing allocations, the interface was unable read the temporary file containing details of the allocations.

1246 Can't open BackOfficeRef File <BORfilename>
When processing allocations, the interface was unable read the temporary file containing Back Office Reference details for the deals.

1247 Can't decode number from BackOfficeRef File <BORfilename>
The content of the file <BORfilename> is corrupted.

1248 Can't create BackOfficeRef File <BORfilename>
The filename, used to store Back Office Reference numbers that are reported back to Cognotec within deal ACKs, failed to be written. Check we still have disk space and write that permissions are adequate

1249 SI <dealtype> deal #<dealid> failed to load via script...waiting for SI to try again
A script error has occurred. The current deal will be retried.

1250 Cannot open MQ configuration file <mqconffilename> for reading...Fatal error
I think that's pretty self-explanatory. Perhaps you need an MQ configuration file.

1251 Need an MQ QueueName in <mqconffilename>
Can't find an MQ queue name in the configuration file. It's kinda necessary y'know.

1252 Can't connect to MQ QManagerName=<qmname>
Is the Queue Manager Name correctly specified in the MQ configuration file?

1253 Can't open MQ QueueName=<qname> in QManagerName=<qmname>, MQ Reason <nnnn>
We failed to connect to the MQ queue named <qname> handled by the MQ Queue Manager <qmname>. IBM believe there is a good reason for this but they're going to make you jump through hoops to find out what it is. They are, however, willing to give you the clue contained in the code <nnnn>. Time to dig out those dusty MQ manuals and leaf though the section titled "MQ Error Codes". It's usually well thumbed and quite grimey.

1254 Can't write to MQ QueueName=<qname> in QManagerName=<qmname>, MQ Reason <nnnn>
Same manual as code #1253 (above). This time we can't write data to the queue.

1255 This binary has not been compiled for MQ
You're trying to execute MQ-specific script transforms without the MQ libraries linked in to the executable code. Please contact softek for updated binaries.

1256 SI <dealtype> deal #<dealid> was not ACKd in time...waiting for SI to try again
The target system did not ACK the deal in time. The current deal will be retried.

1257 Will repeat deal #<nnnn> from the cache file <cachefilename>
We're going to retry the referenced deal from the named cachefile. Please check that the deal made it into the target system.

1258 SI network connection error, connection reset
1258 SI network connection error (resetting connection)
The TCP-IP connection to the deal server has been reset.

1259 MQ SI Reader configuration file <mqconffilename> error, need '@SIQManager SIInQueueName SIOutQName SIPing SIPingAck ACK NACK'
At least you now have an MQ configuration file but now it does not contain required info. Time to open the documentation.

1260 Can't connect to SI MQ QManagerName=<qmname>, MQ Reason <nnnn>
Is the Queue Manager Name correctly specified in the MQ configuration file?

1261 Expected Message Not Available on Queue
The MQ system initially told us there was at least one record waiting to be read from the queue. No data was available, however, when we came to read it. Did some other system snatch our message?

1262 MQGET failed with reason code <nnnn>
Could not get data from an MQ queue. IBM's reason code is supplied.

1263 MQGET completion code (<nnnn>) indicates failure
MQ was not happy trying to get data from a queue. IBM's completion code should give some clue as to what went wrong.

1265 Having trouble committing, maybe a little time will help
Q) What do you get when you cross a hungry programmer with a bored documenter? A) Sarastic error messages with sarcastic descriptions. Aparently we have just failed to commit some data to the MQ system, we'll try again soon.

1266 MQCMIT failed with reason code <nnnn>
Catagorical failure to commit data to the MQ system. Better dust off those MQ manuals and look up the supplied reason code.

1266 Problem Warning: Server <server> Table: <table>. No entry for Branch=<branch>. Deals for this branch must be loaded manually
Unable to perform an "inderect" load since the target branch cannot be found in the referenced table.

1267 Task: <taskstr> caused a duplicate. Reinsertion skipped
A Sybase insert would have caused a duplicate. The insertion was skipped.

1268 Task: <taskstr> failed. Will retry on cron or next deal
Check the Sybase logs for the cause of the failure (the softek logfile may contain more specific Sybase information too).

1269 Task: <taskstr> caused a duplicate. Reinsertion skipped
A Sybase insert would have caused a duplicate. The insertion was skipped.

1270 Task: <taskstr> failed. Will retry on cron or next deal
Check the Sybase logs for the cause of the failure (the softek logfile may contain more specific Sybase information too).

1271 Task: <taskstr> deadlock recovery. Will retry on cron or next deal
The Sybase task deadlocked with another process. We will retry our task soon.

1301 SelectFeedPlus...Comms fault(type) was reported (a little late)
Reuters are informing us that there was a communications fault that they can now tell us about. The fact that we receive this message indicates the problem has been fixed.

1302 RIC <name> not found
Reuters does not acknowledge the existence of the named RIC you requested (they're probably right).

1303 RIC <name> not permissioned
Your organization did not pay Reuters enough money for them to let you look at the named RIC.

1304 RIC <name> did not arrive in time and was re-requested
1304 RIC <name> was rejected and was re-requested
Reuters did not fill our data request. We re-request the data up to 3 times, so if you don't see 3 of these messages for this named RIC, one of our re-requests must have succeeded.

1305 RIC <name> temporarily unavailable
Reuters rejected our data request. We will re-request the data up to 3 times, so if you don't see 3 of these messages for this named RIC, one of our re-requests must have succeeded.

1306 RIC <name> request rejected...try later
Reuters rejected our data request. We will re-request the data up to 3 times, so if you don't see 3 of these messages for this named RIC, one of our re-requests must have succeeded.

1307 Throttle-limit hit while processing RIC <name>
Reuters rejected our data request, we hit their data-throttle limit. We will re-request the data up to 3 times.

1308 Cannot open Currency Code Table <tablename>
We cannot open a necessary table for reading. The program will exit.

1309 Cannot allocate memory for Currency Code Table in <tablename>(lines)
A severe memory management problem has occurred. The program will exit.

1310 Unhandled 407 response <nn> says [<description>]
We received a message <nn> from SF+ with some associated text (<description>). We have no idea what to do with this message. We report it so you can panic, though we doubt it will do much good. Probably better give softek a call so we can panic instead.

1311 RIC <name> had not arrived at program exit
When we hit our exit-time for this Select Feed Plus run, a requested RIC (called <name>) had not been responded to with data or with an error.

1312 RIC <name> was a reject at program exit
When we exited this Select Feed Plus run, the RIC <name> had not been responded to with data or an error. Data for this RIC may actually be available but it was rejected despite its having been re-requested up to three times.

1313 ***** UNKNOWN Event: <nn>, Channel: <nn>
Reuters SSL has sent us an event that I've no idea how to deal with. You may panic now if you like.

1314 Channel <nn> disconnected! Text: <description>
1314 sslGetProperty(SSL_OPT_CHANNEL_FD) failed...<description>
Reuters SSL has disconnected us from a channel. They may automatically reconnect us to another. A description of the problem should be included with this error.

1315 Channel <nn> reconnected! Server Name: <sname>, New FD: <nn>
Reuters SSL has reconnected a failed channel for us (how nice).

1316 ItemName: <iname>, Format: <nn> -- NOT A RECORD!
Reuters SSL has sent us data that does not appear to be in a recognizable format.

1317 SslNewData", "Null item_identifier!!!
Reuters SSL has sent us data that we did not request (no item TAG). We handle the data in a default manner but express our surprise.

1318 Service Info -- Channel <nn>, Service <sname>: <Up|Down|Unknown???>
Reuters SSL has sent us some unsolicited information about an existing service channel.

1319 Closed: Channel <nn>, Service <sname>, Item <iname> Tag <xx>. <description>
Reuters SSL has informed us that an active information channel has been closed.

1320 sslInit() failed
1321 sslErrlorLog failed
1322 sslSetProperty(SSL_OPT_LOG_FUNCTION_ERROR) failed
1323 sslSnkMount() failed
Various Reuters SSL initialization errors.

1324 sslGetProperty(SSL_OPT_CHANNEL_FD) failed...<details>
Reuters SSL API reported an error getting information about a data channel. More details about the problem may be provided after the periods.

1325 sslSnkOpen() failed for <name>
Reuters SSL API reported an error opening a data channel for the RIC called <name>.

1326 Too many unique RICS, I only have space for <nnnn>
A "rics.ini" file containing too many unique RICS was presented to a softek Select Feed Plus reader. If you *really* need that many RICS looked up in one session, please contact softek and have them rebuild an executable with a larger MAXRICS constant. An alternative would be to start several sequential sessions with different (sub MAXRICS) RIC sets.

1401 Unknown message sub-type <badtype> received
Bloomberg passed us a bad message subtype.

Page Last updated 6/2/2006